- knee-high to a grasshopper
- маленький, молодой; очень низкого роста
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
knee-high to a grasshopper — also[knee high to a duck] {adj. phr.}, {informal} As tall as a very small child; very young. * /Charles started reading when he was knee high to a grasshopper./ * /I ve known Mary ever since she was knee high to a duck./ … Dictionary of American idioms
knee-high to a grasshopper — also[knee high to a duck] {adj. phr.}, {informal} As tall as a very small child; very young. * /Charles started reading when he was knee high to a grasshopper./ * /I ve known Mary ever since she was knee high to a duck./ … Dictionary of American idioms
knee-high to a grasshopper — (orig US) Very short, with connotation of extreme youth • • • Main Entry: ↑knee * * * knee high to a grasshopper informal old fashioned phrase very small, because you are very young Thesaurus: words used to describe heighthyponym high and height … Useful english dictionary
knee-high\ to\ a\ grasshopper — • knee high to a grasshopper • knee high to a duck adj. phr. informal As tall as a very small child; very young. Charles started reading when he was knee high to a grasshopper. I ve known Mary ever since she was knee high to a duck … Словарь американских идиом
knee-high to a grasshopper — If something happened when you were knee high to a grasshopper, it happened when you were a very young child … The small dictionary of idiomes
knee-high to a grasshopper — ► knee high to a grasshopper informal very small or young. Main Entry: ↑knee high … English terms dictionary
knee-high to a grasshopper — mod. of very short stature. (Folksy.) □ I knew you when you were knee high to a grasshopper. □ I was knee high to a grasshopper when I first heard that joke … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
knee-high to a grasshopper — This term refers to a very young or small child. Look how tall you are! Last time I saw you, you were knee high to a grasshopper! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
knee high to a grasshopper — small or short, the size of a child When we lived in Oslo, you were just knee high to a grasshopper … English idioms
knee-high to a grasshopper — informal very small or young. → knee high … English new terms dictionary
be knee-high to a grasshopper — humorous to be very young. The last time I came here I was knee high to a grasshopper … New idioms dictionary